Capital Enterprises Consulting Situational Awareness & Threat Prevention Specialists
Capital Enterprises ConsultingSituational Awareness & Threat Prevention Specialists

Situational Awareness Training

It is preferable to identify and avoid adverse situations before they occur rather than to take corrective, post-event action. CEC’s Situational Awareness & Threat Preventions courses were designed for that purpose - to educate clients regarding the most likley adverse situations they may encounter, and to provide the most comprehensive and effective tool set from which to prevent such events from occurring.


Our Situational Awareness & Threat Prevention courses center on the individual, specifically on those areas of vulnerability that and individual is most likley to face during the course of what we refer to as the "Daily Life Cycle" as illistrated below.     


Within each lifestyle component, CEC identifys and teaches clients how to avoid the most probable threats to personal safety, and moreover, how to share that information with important stakeholders in their lives.


It is important to remember that “Crimes of Opportunity” occur because we provide the opportunity, and additionally, that the best way to avoid becoming a victim is to acquire the situational awareness skills that will help keep you and your loved ones safe.


Most adverse events are not random occurrances, but rather situations that presented themselves due to an action, or a failure to act, on the part of the victum. Remember, when running from a lion, you need not run faster than the lion, just faster than those running with you!  Our courses will help you become a "Hard Target" by teaching you how to avoid unnecessarily exposing yourself to "Crimes of Opportunity".      


Situational Awareness Training (SAT) Frequently Asked Questions

  1.  Why do I need SAT?

Crime is an equal opportunity provider (see Crime Clock Statistics below)


  1. Can SAT realistically help me?

Yes.  Our courses are concept-based, not physically-based, meaning that you can learn, apply, and share Situational Awareness Best Practices immediately.


  1. How are CEC’s SAT courses structured?  How long do they take to complete?

SAT utilizes classroom-based, PowerPoint presentations containing real life anecdotes, in-depth discussion, and extensive use of audio-visual aids to enhance the learning experience.


While our courses can be tailored to meet your organization’s specific needs, our most requested offerings are:

• 90-minute introductory course (provides broad-based overview of all 7 Life Cycle Modules)

• 2-day comprehensive course (provides in-depth instruction of all 7 Life Cycle Modules plus Adverse Event Resolution Training)   


  1. How can I attend a CEC course?

CEC offers in-house and off-site instruction, making it ideal for continuing education programs as well as special events and conferences.  Common course applications include:

• Corporate employee wellness programs

• College campus awareness orientations

• Middle school, high school and college transition preparedness


  1. How do I decide which course is best for my group or organization?

CEC will work with you to determine the most appropriate offering.  Our module-based format provided the flexibility of both overview-level and in-depth instruction regarding each Daily Life Cycle component: Home, Commute, Vehicle, Travel, Social, Office, and Children.  


Knowledge is Power

Capital Enterprises Consulting

New York State Licensed

Private Investigative Firm

Phone: 917.626.9862
